- Cultivar: *
- Provenance: *
- Nearest town: *
- Altitude: *
- Latitude: *
- Longitude: *
- Collector: *
- Collector's number: *
- Date of collection: *
- Donor: *
- Donor's number: *
- Previous donor: *
- Previous donor's number: *
- Related number(s): *
- Photo Gallery
: *
Wild, weedy or cultivated material
For cultivated material: local or vernacular name given by farmer to the landrace or the designation assigned to breeder's material.
Provenance data concern the site where the plant or seed material has been collected. They are encoded as follows: country, administrative subdivision(s), local site and/or village. Administrative subdivisions can be: state, region, province, district, prefecture, county, .... They are listed, starting from the major unit. When administrative subdivisions are unknown, names of geographical regions are used.
Number of kilometres and direction from nearest town or village from the site where the plant or seed material has been sampled.
Elevation above sea level in metres.
Degrees and minutes followed by N (north) or S (south), in the form dd° mm' N or dd° mm' S.
Degrees and minutes followed by E (east) or W (west), in the form ddd° mm' E or ddd° mm' W.
Name of the person(s) or institute(s) collecting the original sample.
Number assigned by the collector(s) to the original sample.
Date of collection of the original sample.
Name of the institute and/or individual responsible for donating seed and/or plant material to the Collection. Data are encoded as follows: country, city, institution and/or donor name.
Number assigned to the accession by the institution or individual giving seed and/or plant material to the Collection.
Earliest known institute and/or individual responsible for donating seed and/or plant material.
Number assigned to the accession by the earliest institution or individual giving seed and/or plant material.
Any other known number assigned to the accession.
The presence of means that images are available for the accession. To see full-size photography, click on the desired thumbnail.