The Database of the Living Plant Collections

The Botanic Garden holds living plant collections of more than 25.000 accessions from 17.000 taxa. This material is cultivated for research, conservation and education.

The database LIVCOL is being developed using "Progress" software, a fourth generation relational database management system. The database holds a wide-range of information about accessions that are, or have been, cultivated at the Garden.

Data presented in the following pages are reported from LIVCOL and concern the scientific name, accession number, conservation value, determination, provenance, source and location of specimens currently held in the Garden (click here for details). The following two display procedures are available:

The following specific search tool provides images taken from specimens current or not in the Plant Collections:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Click here for conditions for the use of material derived from the Living Collections of Meise Botanic Garden.

© 2019 Meise Botanic Garden